The Blue Ridge Irish Music School is so happy to be able to support a Uilleann Piping program. With opportunities for the brand new piper through advanced lifelong players, BRIMS brings together expert teachers, musicians, and community resources to host tionols, concerts, and workshops for pipers across the region. We offer a place (both digital and physical!) for pipers to gather and share resources, recommendations, tunes and whatever information helps them further the special art of uilleann piping!

Willie Clancy Music Festival
Every July, traditional Irish musicians, dancers, and singers from around the world find their way to West Clare- Miltown Malbay- for the Willie Clancy Music Festival.
This year, 1,500 students took part in classes for the week. The six-day festival draws thousands more for the best “craic” in Ireland.
This year, BRIMS had two pipers attend classes. They also attended the “Piping Heaven and Hell” session in Ennis, organized by Blackie O’Connell- one of the best Irish pipers. Great music- great friends- great fun!!